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Not so great. The year is almost half over, and I’ve yet to change much about this place. The site’s plan isn’t much expensive annually, still, I set myself to make more use of it or get rid of it, as for the past few years I haven’t been using it much at all.

… more stuff …

Anyways, text, more text, probably about drums stuff and how I could share more of my recordings here, even if they aren’t that great. Yeah, I have a bunch of content lined up, and a bunch of excuses for why I’ve not been engaging more with the internets. Not very convincing.

For now, here’s this one which I had meant to post about. It’s the take I had sent to my drum coach for review. I’ve improved some since, but have yet to manage a full take at the track’s album tempo. That drum groove after the solo is rough stuff, presently my biggest stopgap, not to mention the solo itself which isn’t really that easy either.

Thanks for stopping by. I’ve got a few other music related things, some paintings, and other personal stuff to talk about, so I’ll be updating again soon.
(╯°.°)╯ ❤